Fall 2024
- MA 444H, Problem Solving Strategies for Competitions.
Regular teaching
- Fall 2023:
- MA 531 , Dynamic Systems and Multivariable Control I, section 001.
- MA 401, Applied Differential Equations II.
- MA 444H, Problem Solving Strategies for Competitions.
- Fall 2022:
- MA 531 , Dynamic Systems and Multivariable Control I, section 001.
- MA 401, Applied Differential Equations II.
- MA 444H, Problem Solving Strategies for Competitions.
- Spring 2022: MA 715, Analysis II, section 001.
- Fall 2021:
- MA 515 , Analysis I, section 001.
- MA 401, Applied Differential Equations II.
- MA 444H, Problem Solving Strategies for Competitions.
- Spring 2021: MA 715, Analysis II, section 001.
- Fall 2020:
- MA 515 , Analysis I, section 001.
- MA 401, Applied Differential Equations II.
- MA 444H, Problem Solving Strategies for Competitions.
- Fall 2019:
- MA 515 , Analysis I, section 001.
- MA 793, Viscosity solutions, section 001.
- MA 444H, Problem Solving Strategies for Competitions.
- Spring 2019: MA 715, Analysis II, section 001.
- Fall 2018:
- MA 515 , Analysis I, section 001.
- MA 444H, Problem Solving Strategies for Competitions.
- Spring 2018: MA 715 , Analysis II, section 001.
- Fall 2017: MA 515 , Analysis I, section 001.
- Spring 2017: MA 401, Applied Differential Equations II, section 003.
- Fall 2016: MA 401, Applied Differential Equations II, section 001.
- Fall 2015: MATH 141, PSU Mathematics Departments, Calculus with Analytic Geometry II.
- Fall 2014 : MATH 251 Section 13 and 14, PSU Mathematics Departments, Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations.
- Spring 2014: MATH 251 Section 9, PSU Mathematics Departments, Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations.
- Fall 2013: MATH 251 Section 5, PSU Mathematics Departments, Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations.
- Summer 2015: Tutorial, Introduction to Control Theory.
Topic courses
- 2013 (April-May): Topics on Optimal Control and PDEs (PhD course, Department of Mathematics, University of Padova, Italy)
- 2013 (Jan-Feb): Topics on Optimal Control and PDEs (Master course, University of Natural Sciences, HCM, Viet Nam)
2006-2007: Teaching Assistant for Calculus I, Calculus II, Functional Analysis, Measure Theory (University of Natural Sciences, HCM, Viet Nam).
Advising students
- 2014-2015: Advisor of a honor undergraduate student in Vietnam.
- Summer 2014: Co-advisor of three undergraduate students for REU project of Department of Mathematics, Penn State Univeristy.
Topic: Game-Theoretical Model of Debt and Bankruptcy.